Ernestine Hipper
Oscar-winning film set decorator / costume designer
‚All Quiet on the Western Front‘ (Oscar, 2022). ‚Tár‘ (Set Decorators‘ Society of America Award, 2022). ‚The Beauty And The Beast‘ (César, 2014). The work of this German as a set decoration/costume designer was honoured with various international awards including a historical unique fact: she was even nominated in the ‚set decoration‘-category for two movies in the same year (‚All Quiet...‘/Oscars, ‚Tár‘/British Academy of Film & Television Arts Awards)! And believe it or not: a fortune teller predicted the lady’s worldwide biggest success at a point in time when she wanted to quit the movie-biz!
Ernestine Hipper
Oscar-winning film set decorator / costume designer

She loves to work on childrens‘ movies and love flicks, but won her first Oscar for a war-film! Flexibility in style. A vast knowledge. A faible for deep research in often limited time. Love for detail. Because the job of a set decoration designer is comparable to that of a interior designer a huge personal depot of furnitures, carpets, flower vases, pots, textiles et cetera is a necessity plus knowing where to get what’s required. A lot is key for that profession, because different movies require various set decorations or costumes designs for placing the script in an authentic/historically correct setting – be it (in this case) the film adaption of Otfried Preußler's famous fantasy novel ‚Krabat‘ or the mystery drama ‚Euphoria‘ (feat. Charlotte Rampling). But how did this expert embark on her career in such a special job?
Ernestine Hipper (* 2 May 1962 in Hollenbach/Bavaria, Germany) studied at Deutsche Meisterschule für Mode (German Master School for Fashion) in Munich from 1979 to 1983. She graduated with a diploma in graphic as well as historical art/fashion design. First income was given by jobs in marketing, followed by one as a stylist. Mrs. Hipper got her foot in the film-business-door in 1990 via television - first as a production designer (being responsible for the film set). The ball start rolling quickly. In her first international movie-production she took care of the costume design. At the follow-ups the bi-lingual creative (English, German) was responsible for what Ernestine Hippe became famous for: set decorations (for historical scripts in particular).
A job like hers requires independence, availability often on short notice and the willingness to travel worldwide. There’s little to none room for steady relationships or even a permanent residence. Therefor Mrs. Hipper stays in a lodger’s flat of her sister’s house whenever she’s in Germany. No wonder that there was a time in her career when she was thinking about to quit the movie-biz and long for a more constant job, but then a fortune teller predicted her that she’ll get worldwide recognition at the age of 60 years. The rest is history...
Interview March 2023
Creating ambience: decorating locations and equipping them with adequate things to speak for themselves
How does intuition present itself to you – in form of a suspicious impression, a spontaneous visualisation or whatever - maybe in dreams?
For me intuition is something that has developed after many years in a form of feeling in my “stomach”. It is hard to say, I just feel when I am on the right path of a movie subject.
Will any ideas be written down immediately and archived?
I have a photographic memory, that’s why I make mood boards after each recce (location scouting) of decoration pieces to puzzle the feeling I want to achieve in a set.
?: How do you come up with good or extraordinary ideas?
Books, a lot of research on the internet, etc., and the ideas come up spontaneously.
?: Do you feel that new creative ideas come as a whole or do you get like a little seed of inspiration that evolves into something else and has to be realized by endless trials and errors in form of constant developments up until the final result?
Yes - a little seed of inspiration that evolves into something else and has to be realized by endless trials and errors in form of constant developments up until the final result.
What if there is a deadline, but no intuition? Does the first fuel the latter maybe?
There are always deadlines – and always intuition. It has never happened to me to not come up with an idea or better solution.
What inspires you and how do you stimulate this special form of imaginativeness?
Quite surroundings, nature, sitting on the oceans…. reading books.
?: How do you filter between ideas worthwhile pursuing and bad ones that you just let go of?
Hmmm. As there is always the limit of the budget – I have the challenge of trying to achieve the best for the set. That limits things automatically towards doable tasks within.
Do you revisit old ideas or check what colleagues/competitors are up to at times?
I am in contact with some to discuss projects, issues and targets to achieve. Sometimes I use an old idea, but it all depends on the subject of the present movie.
Which time/place/environment suits your creative work process the best (tranquillity or pressure) and which path do you take from theory/idea to creation?
I am a very organized person, so I need a clean and organized surrounding, I try to have flowers on my desk, I try to keep things structured to not get lost in chaos. This is my base to start being creative.
Comfort is very important – good books, good music, good office chair.
I function very well under pressure, because I learned how to manage it.
What is better in the realization process: speed and force creativity i.e. grasp the magic of the moment, or a slow, ripening process for implementation/elaboration?
I need time, the more time they give me – the better the results are.
?: Do you have any specific strategies you use when you are feeling stuck creatively?
I swim.
How important are self-doubt and criticism (by others) during such a process i.e. is it better to be creative on your own, only trust your own instincts, or in a team?
I love to work in a team. Being a leader is hard enough – if you have a good team behind you, you can only succeed. Movie making is always a team effort.
Should a creative always remain true to him-/herself including taking risks & going against the flow or must one, for reasons of (commercial) survival, make concessions to the demands of the market, the wishes of clients and the audience’s expectations?
Of course…. the Director has his vision, the Production Designer has his vision, the studio, the actors…. I have my own vision…. It is truly sometimes not easy to work against my own visions, but this is the job – to be the instrument to help to bring the project on screen.
?: How is innovation still possible if one has established a distinctive style and, just in case, is it good to be ahead of one’s time even one hazards not being understood?
I cannot establish my own style, because each movie has its own story to be told. It is either period or modern, trashy or slick… etc.
When does the time come to end the creative process, to be content and set the final result free - or is it work-in-progress with an endless possibility of improvement?
We have the deadline to the shooting day. Things have to be finished with in the given budget.
?: In case of failure or - worse - a creativity crisis how do you get out of such a hole?
Failure is not possible. And – luckily has not happened to me.
?: “Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.“ Do you agree with Winston Churchill’s quote?
Yes – exactly. Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts' – Believe In Yourself and Never Give In.
Should/can one resist the temptation to recycle a ‘formula’ one’s successful with?
I cannot… because I have to deliver. There is no formula for me.
?: Is it desirable to create the ultimate/timeless work, but doesn’t “top of the ladder” bring up the question of “what’s next?” i.e. isn’t such a personal peak “the end”?
Top of the ladder? What does that mean? Holding a trophy does not automatically put you on top of the ladder. But I am looking forward if things change, as the film life in Germany is quite dull and narrow minded. We will see.
Proud of?….. having been able to travel the world with this profession and being able to have met so many incredible crafts, arts and wonderful people. That is my motivation and joy with my job. I am proud of being a part on ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’. I felt that a lot of good people make a really good movie. And we did.